
发布日期:2015-06-01 来源: 点击量:[ ]

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年5月13日下午,北京航空航天大学卫乃兴教授应邀在博文楼六楼报告厅举行题为“co-selections in linguistics and applied linguistics”的学术讲座。讲座由姜孟教授主持,重庆大学辜向东教授出席,我校部分青年教师和百余名研究生参加了本次学坛。



sisu academic forum entitled “co-selection in linguistics and applied linguistics” held successfully
at 3 p.m, may 13th, 2015, at the invitation of the sisu academic forum, the report entitled “co-selection in linguistics and applied linguistics” was given by wei naixing, a distinguished professor of beihang university. hosted by professor jiang meng, professor gu xiangdong, a honorable professor of chongqing university attended the lecture. some young teachers and more than one hundred postgraduates listened to the wonderful report.
before the report, professor jiang meng expressed his warm welcome and sincere gratitude to the arrival of professor wei naixing and made a brief introduction to the rich academic achievements of prof. wei.
then prof. wei naixing began his excellent report. this report was composed of five parts. in the first part, prof. wei introduced us the definition, charcteristics and the reseach methods of corpus lingistics through case analysis. in the second and third part, prof. wei put empahsis on the interpretation of “co-selection” and phraseology. he analyzed “co-selection” from the following three types: co-selection of lexis and grammar, co-selection of lexis and lexis and co-selection of patterns and meanings. prof. wei’ s lecture was well documented and it had a high quality of originality with its outstanding value in corpus, critical thinking and research methods. in the fourth part, prof. wei discussed semantic sensitivity in the local environments. based on the explaination of “false friends” in translation and case analysis, prof. wei pointed out that local environments limit co-selection. finally, he concluded that “co-selection” is not just trivial problems in language study and teaching. on the contrary, we should pay more attention to the problem of “co-selection” in language use for its significance in language study and language use.
after the lecture, prof. jiang meng expressed his admiration towards prof. wei’ s wonderful academic lecture. prof. jiang pointed out that prof. wei expounded the problem of “co-selction” in language use with vivid examples and his logical thinking, which benifited the audience a lot. besides, the viewpoints in prof. wang's research are incisive, informative and valuable, and the data representation is novel and convincing, which will lead the trend of linguistics and applied linguistics. therefore, this report was not only an academic report which kept pace with times, but also a spiritual feast for enlightenment.
this forum activity was completely successful with the warm applause.
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